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Breakout v0.1.7 available

Breakout v0.1.7 is now available from and the Download page.

This release includes a number of contributions by Fabian Affolter. See the for a list of all changes.

Some highlights are an examples index page. You’ll find this in Breakout/examples/index.html. This makes it much easier to run the examples from your PC or a mobile device (especially much easier on a smartphone). A few more examples have also been added to the /examples/getting_started/ directory and a new schematic is available on page 3 of /examples/schematics.pdf that can be used for all of the getting started examples.

The nodeJS server has been updated. You can now add command line options when starting up the server. If you have been using the nodeJS based server (in Breakout/node_server/) please note that the default port has been changed from 8080 to 8887. Also you no longer set the 3rd parameter of the IOBoard constructor to true when using the nodeJS server. Now simply including the socket.io client library indicates the intent to use the nodeJS server rather than Breakout Server. See the for more info on using the nodeJS server. I also hope to create an npm package for the server in the near future.

Breakout v0.1.6 available

Breakout v0.1.6 is now available. This version adds a few new examples, adds the fritzing files used to create the schematics, and fixes an issue with the accelerometer.html example in Breakout/examples/processing_js/.

You will find 3 new examples in Breakout/examples/device_sensors/ that demonstrate how to use the HTML5 DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation APIs (if your mobile device supports these APIs) to control the RGB and Hue values of an RGBLED and a BlinkM RGBLED module. You will also find 2 new examples in Breakout/examples/getting_started/ (analog_input.html and simple_led.html) contributed by Fabian Affolter.

If you are updating from a previous version, note that the Breakout Server application has not changed since v0.1.1 so if you want to make updating easier you can continue to use your existing version of Breakout Server. If you have not already, move the Breakout Server application to your Applications directory (or elsewhere outside of the Breakout directory), then launch the application, click on the Settings tab, click on Choose New Webserver Root, then navigate to your Breakout directory, highlighting the Breakout folder then click Choose. I will make an announcement when any changes are made to the Breakout Server application. Until then you can continue using the existing version rather than extracting the files from Breakout/server/ each time an update to the Breakout library is released.

Breakout examples updated

Update 7/18/12: The changes described here have been integrated into the Breakout v0.1.6 release. Please download 0.1.6 or clone the master.

The Breakout examples have been updated to be more mobile friendly. If you have cloned Breakout from github you can pull the latest master branch to get the updated examples. If you downloaded the Breakout release from the Breakout website or from the github site, you can download breakout_examples.zip from the github Downloads page and overwrite the existing examples folder in your Breakout/examples/ directory.

In the updated examples, the IOBoard constructor is now passed location.hostname rather than “localhost”. This enables the example to be viewed on mobile devices as well as other computers on the same network as the computer running the Breakout Server or nodejs-based server. If you are hosting files on a separate computer than the one the Arduino (or other IO Board) is connected to, then you will need to update the IP address or hostname to that of the computer the IO Board is connected to.

The servo, dc motor and oscillator examples were also updated to view better on smartphones. The updated examples are being supplied separate from the full Breakout package at this time because no changes were made to the Breakout core so it’s easier just to swap out the example folder if you need the updated examples at this time.

Arduino Leonardo support added

A minor update to Breakout is now available that adds an example for using Breakout with an Arduino Leonardo board. See Breakout/examples/boards/leonardo.html in the Breakout v0.1.5 release. Also see the Leonardo wiring diagram on page 25 of Breakout/examples/schematics.pdf.

Adding Arduino Leonardo support required an update to the Firmata library that is included with the Arduino application. In order to use a Leonardo board with Breakout, you will first need to update the Firmata library in the Arduino application. This is an update to the Firmata library and is fully backwards compatible with the previous version of Firmata.

Download Breakout 0.1.5.

Breakout v0.1.4 available

Breakout v0.1.4 is now available to download. This release fixes an issue with the fadeTo method of the LED and RGBLED objects. An issue with false release event triggers when connecting more than one button to pins 2 – 7 of a standard Arduino board has also been fixed. A DISCONNECTED event has been added to IOBoardEvent. This event is fired when the IOBoard is disconnected from the server.

Breakout 0.1.3 Available + new examples

Breakout 0.1.3 beta is now available to download. This release fixes a few bugs and adds a few analog sensor examples. The schematics.pdf file (Breakout/examples/ or breakoutjs.com/examples/schematics.pdf) has also been updated to add the analog sensor examples as well as a schematic of using the dcmotor.html example with an external power supply. The hello_word.html example has been updated and simplified to better demonstrate input and output. The new example also works well with mobile devices (although much slower than on your desktop machine).

You’ll also find a template.html file in Breakout/examples/getting_started/. This example simply uses the onboard LED (connected to pin 13) of a standard Arduino board. It’s a good starting point for your projects.

Templates were also added to the processing.js examples (Breakout/examples/processing_js/) as well as a simpler processing.js + Breakout example (basic_example.js).

See the ChangeLog file for a full list of changes.

Breakout 0.1.2 available

Breakout version 0.1.2 fixes an issue with Firefox 11.

Breakout 0.1.1 available

Breakout v0.1.1 is now available. This update fixes an issue with Breakout Server that prevented serial ports other than the first listed to be selected. This release also includes updates to the actuator, filter and generator examples to use in-browser control. See the  for the full list of changes.